Earning your degree may seem daunting, but you’re not in this alone. Our experienced faculty, advising staff, Success Coaches, tutors, and more are there for you every step of your academic journey.



Academic Advisors and Success Coaches assist new and current students by formulating plans to outline the academic path, monitoring academic progress, recommending opportunities for personal growth and academic development, providing referrals to necessary resources, discussing challenges with chosen majors or careers, and more.

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Madonna University places special emphasis on the first year of college, and we do what we can to make it a smooth transition and positive experience. Through the Office of First-Year Experience (FYE) we provide opportunities for you to get involved and to build relationships in the classroom and in the Madonna community.

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The Madonna University Library advances the University’s mission by supporting research needs and enhancing information literacy skills of students, faculty, and staff. The library provides quality resources, research assistance, and instruction in an atmosphere that reflects Christian service and values.  Walk-in research clinics, author events, a casual coffee room, and more help make the library a pleasant yet educational experience.

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Madonna University remains committed to the advancement of technology on its campus. The Technology Learning Center (computer lab) accommodates a variety of learning situations, from solo writing sessions to classroom instruction. The Collaborative Learning Center allows students to work on projects together from their own devices. Library study rooms allow students to work on projects or study together, without disturbing other students.

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The center is a great place for veterans and transfer students to access computers, work on assignments, relax between class and connect with their peers. Our mission is to provide ongoing support to adult learners, transfer students and veterans by offering a welcoming environment

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The Center for Personalized Instruction is where learning is enhanced by improving success. CPI’s mission is to cultivate a supportive learning environment by providing academic support that empowers students to become confident and successful learners. CPI offers tutoring for Madonna University undergraduate students at no cost.

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The Writing Center helps students come up with ideas for papers, organize and develop ideas, catch errors, and write critically. Tutors can assist with MLA, APA, CSE, or CMS documentation style. Writing Center services include tutoring over Skype, peer review in the classroom, and academic workshops.

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